The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Ullu: Rani! Rani!

Rani: Ullu? What is it?

Ullu: I've spotted a lion family making their way up the pass!

Rani: We'll check it out.

Kion: Need us?

Rani: Yeah. They're fully grown. We'll need your help.

Kion: Okay. Lets go, Lion Guard.

Rani: What do you need from the Tree of Li--

Kion: Wait. Mom? Dad? Kiara?

Kiara: Kion!

Rani: What?

Fuli: Wait, huh?

Kion: I didn't know you were coming!

Fuli: None of us did!

Kiara: Well we came!

Kovu: We all did.

Bunga: Woah! Simba? You guys came?

Nala: We had to check up that...?

Simba: It can't be!

Kiara: Who?

Kopa: It's me.

Simba: But--you ran away--

Kopa: And a cheetah told me that Kion and his friends were at the Tree of Life. So I came.

Fuli: A cheetah?

Kopa: Yep. A cheetah named Azaad.

Nala: Kion. Kopa has done things in--

Kion: I know! But we're giving him a chance!

Simba nodded, but his eyes said, "you don't know what you're doing"

Kion: Kopa promised. We're giving him a chance.

Rani: Yes. Now, Kion. Lion Guard. I assume you want some alone time. Baliyo, Surak, Nirmala. Let's go.

Kion: How long have you been travelling?

Simba: About...five-ish days?

Kiara: Something like that.

Nala: We wanted to check on our son. We didn't know that Kopa was here.

Kion: He came. He said he wanted to see me.

Simba: I don't trust him. He has done lots in the past.

Kion: Like what? And how long are you staying here?

Simba: I'll tell you tomorrow, son. We're probably staying for a day or two. We have to check with Rani.

Nala: We should speak with her.

Simba: Lets go.

Kion's family walks to the Tree of Life.

Simba: Hello, Queen Rani. We were looking to stay for a day or two.

Rani: Of course. You can stay with Kion and the Lion Guard.

Simba: Thank you. Now, Kion, Lion Guard. I believe I told you I would explain what Kopa did in the past. We'll tell the Night Pride as well. In the morning tomorrow.

Kion: Okay. Where? Kopa wanders everywhere.

Simba: I'm sure we'll find a place. After all, I am the King.

Kion: So?

Simba: So, Kopa will listen to me. Don't worry, son. We'll find somewhere.
