A Crocodile's Journey is a fanfiction written by Ladyanaconda. It is currently published in Archive of our own.
Link: A Crocodile's Journey
'Makuu must keep his vow to a dying Sacred Ibis: he promised to not eat the egg, hatch it and teach the chick how to fly. The first two he can manage, but what about the third? Crocodiles don’t fly. To succeed, he'll have to face his own inner demons and learn that fatherhood is not such a bad thing after all.'
Main Characters[]
Makuu: leader of the crocodile float in the Pride Lands. Recently reformed, he still struggles with his leadership duties, having 'civilized' relations with the other Pride Landers, and recently, having to raise an ibis chick.
Kitwana: the secondary protagonist, adoptive son of Makuu. Being hatched by crocodiles, he believes to be one himself, which makes things difficult for his adoptive father.
Akina: Makuu's mate, and his second-in-command. She is kind and friendly, but of strong character, and is the only animal that can keep Makuu's temper in check.
Hodari: A tiny gecko, and an honorary member of Makuu's float. Brave, friendly and very servicial, he acts like a big brother-like figure to Kitwana.
Secondary Characters[]
Dalila: female egret chick, and Kitwana's friend.
Mshale: male egret chick, Kitwana's rival and flock bully. Has a grudge against crocodiles.
Bakshi: Ono's mother, and leader of the Egret flock.
Kiburi: former member of Makuu's float, and now his nemesis. Also competed for Akina's affections, but lost to Makuu.
Jiji: a pet cat belonging to the rangers.
Hasnaa: Kitwana's mother, she dies at the beginning of the story, not before entrusting her egg to Makuu.
Ghubari: member of Makuu's float.
Balozi: member of Makuu's float.
Simba: King of the Pride Lands.
The Lion Guard:
- Kion
- Fuli
- Bunga
- Ono
- Beshte
Pride Landers: the other animals, and their leaders.
Zumberi: a male sacred ibis, leader of his flock.
Poachers: the main antagonists of the story. They capture or kill animals for profit.
Pua: The previous leader of the crocodile float.
Ungwana: Makuu's younger sister, deceased.
Ukuru: Makuu's younger brother, deceased.
Nyota: Makuu's mother, deceased.